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In Support of our Congregation and the Extension of the Kingdom of God...

Matthew 16:26

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?

Please do not neglect your regular offerings in this time.

These are distressing times. 


The members of our congregation struggle as sinners like anyone else!


And yet God continues to forgive us every day and calls then us to trust Him above all things - and this includes being faithful in our tithing.  Tithing is a meaningful way to exercise the faith He has called us to.  We all too often are tempted by the devil and our flesh to think that we can be the god and master of our future by forgetting to be generous in all things.  While situations do change and the financial resources God gifts us today might be less than yesterday, we must continue to be prayerful in our tithing.  Do not think the Lord cares about the final dollar amount that you tithe.  Instead He encourages us to trust in Him as we prayerfully set aside a "measure" of what HE has first given us - before we pay our bills and satisfy our earthly cares.  What that "measure" should be is not defined in the New Testament, other than that it ought to be sacrificial and "worthy" (although what could possibly be?) of the King and Savior of the universe.  Ultimately your tithe to God's church is YOUR prayerful and joyful decision - in conjunction with wise financial management and planning.  


So, dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, born into eternal life through the blood of our Lord and the waters of Baptism, rejoice in your faith and the beautiful testimony of your offering!  It is difficult to trust God when He says in scripture "It is better to give than it is to receive!"  (ACTS 20:35)  But, indeed! Anyone who has truly practiced faithful tithing will testify that they are truly blessed to love and trust Him more than all their earthly wants and desires!  Being generous in our lives is just what Christians are - in their tithing to the Lord and in their service to their neighbor.


- Pastor Bjornstad, Vacancy Pastor

Letter from our Treasurer:
I realize it has only been a week since we suspended our Church worship services.  I hope that our actions of "sheltering" will have a positive effect on everyone's health.
I think even in this short period of time we've already experienced a disruption of schedules and habits.  Many times it takes effort to re-establish habits once they see an abrupt break.  I want to throw out a couple of options to our financial habit of offerings for the church.  I know there may be other underlying circumstances facing our church families right now, but when the opportunity presents itself, there are two easy methods to continue to aid in the support of your church:
1. The easiest is to MAIL your offering envelope to the office.  (PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH.)
2. The second option is to use the SimplyGiving program we have.  We have used this program for the last 5-6 years with up to 5-6 families enrolled at any one time.  Setting someone up is done in minutes and the frequency as well as the start/end dates of your automatic withdrawals are always  your determination (cancelling is also easy).  You can download the form (below) and send it in with a voided check to the church to get things started!
If you have interest in the SimplyGiving option please contact me for more questions.  I can assist you in filling out the form.  My phone is 507-388-3442.  As well you may email me.
The address for the church is:
     2101 Lor Ray Drive
     North Mankato, MN  56003
Be safe, and healthy.
God Bless
Lynn Schwarz
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