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Christian Tithing During this Time of Pandemic

Writer's picture: Good ShepherdGood Shepherd

So what does the church do now - during the pandemic? Does it matter if I remember my tithe to the work of the Lord? Perhaps you have asked similar questions. Maybe it hasn’t even crossed your mind - either because you love to tithe, or maybe because you haven’t even thought about the church.

Indeed, your tithe does matter! Though perhaps not so much for the most obvious reason. Yes, Good Shepherd still incurs its bills as it usually has. Our church and school still are working as hard or harder than they did before. The church still needs you to remember to send your tithe in, drop it off, or sign up for the automatic withdrawals.

But the most important reason for you to remember your tithe is because it is important for YOUR Christian faith! It is an exercise of your faith and trust in the Lord. The temptation is to “get away” with as little as possible in our Christian responsibility. No one will notice that we aren’t in church or giving an offering right now. We might decide it is more important to safeguard the future and stash our treasure away in these uncertain times.

Without downplaying the importance of proper money management and a savings account for the family, we must re-affirm a complete trust in God by continuing our faithful stewardship. The goal of our faith is to trust in God rather than money, and one way we do that is by being generous in everything that we receive from the generous hand of God. A further thought to conclude: Even as times become more difficult for more and more people around us, God will be calling us all to be MORE generous in our tithing - to the church and otherwise! So get ready. Get set. Tithe! It is what Christians love to do - especially in the time of pandemic!

In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”  - Acts 20:35



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